The next Open House for Cub Scout Pack 229 of Cherry Hill School will be held in September 2014. If your son wants to join Cub Scouts, you (and your son) are invited to attend the Open House.
Presentation for Pack 229's 2011 Arrow of Light Ceremony (added February 11, 2011)
24 boys joined this den since 2006 — 8 of those boys attained the Arrow of Light — "Nobody said it was easy."
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River Edge Cub Scout Pack 229
(Cub Scouts is open to ALL boys from 1st to 5th grade.
DID YOU KNOW that ANY parent can become an official den leader?)

E-mail Mary Ellen to request information

TECHNICAL NOTE: If you are using a mobile device (cell phone or iPad) and are encountering trouble with playback of the Vimeo videos embedded on this website, you may have better success playing the videos directly from the Pack 229 page at

Pack 229 Pinewood Derby
This video shows 35 heats from the 2011 Pinewood Derby.
Thanks to Bill & Liz for organizing our pack's Pinewood Derby for the fourth time since 2008!

Pack 229 Recap Presentations
Pack 229 Senior Webelos training at Van Saun Park
Pack 229 Senior Webelos training at Van Saun Park
Pack 229 Senior Webelos training at Van Saun Park
Pack 229 Senior Webelos training at Van Saun Park
Pack 229 Senior Webelos training at Van Saun Park
7 Years Gone
Pack 229 Senior Webelos training at Van Saun Park
2009 Arrow of Light
Pack 229 Senior Webelos training at Van Saun Park
2010 Arrow of Light
Pack 229 Senior Webelos training at Van Saun Park
2011 Arrow of Light

2011 Arrow of Light Awards
Congratulations to the Pack 229 Senior Webelos Den of 2010-2011 for completing Cub Scouts on February 11, 2011!

Click Here for the 2011 Arrow of Light presentation
2011 Arrow of Light: Chris B., Chris J., Dylan F., Garrett C., Gary W., Michael B., Sean K., Timothy T.

Bergen Batting Center in River Edge, NJ 2009 Pinewood Derby 2011 Klondike Derby Lorrimer Sanctuary

Joe D., Chris B., Sean K., Chris J., Garrett C., Gary W., and Michael B. Sean K., Chris J., Garrett C., Gary W., Timothy T., and Michael B. The Senior Webelos Cub Scouts of Pack 229 received their Arrow of Light Awards at the Arrow of Light Ceremony on February 11, 2011. The ceremony was held at New Bridge Center. All 8 of the scouts who attained the Arrow of Light award were in attendance to receive their awards. This den had 24 scouts join its ranks from September 2006 through September 2010, but only 8 of those 24 boys earned the Arrow of Light Award, testament to how difficult it is to complete the requirements for the award. Den leaders Amy W. and Arlene B. guided this den from Tigers through Senior Webelos, and became the first Pack 229 den leaders in many years to accomplish the feat of leading a den for all 5 levels of Cub Scouting. One of the highlights of the Arrow of Light Ceremony was Girl Scout Megan W.'s reading of The Akela Story. Another highlight was the screening of the 2011 Arrow of Light DVD, a 21-minute retrospective depicting most of the events the den participated in from the September 2006 Open House through the 2011 Klondike Derby (January 29, 2011). The Master of Ceremony for the 2011 Arrow of Light Ceremony was Pack 229 Cubmaster Bill C..

The past five years saw Amy & Arlene's den participate in dozens of den meetings, dozens of pack meetings, four Open House nights, four Scouting for Food food-drives, three Pack 229 Holiday Parties (one year got snowed out), four Blue & Gold Awards dinners, four Pinewood Derbies, four Fishing Derbies, four Memorial Day parades, four Fourth of July parades, three Family Campouts at Memorial Park (one was rained out, twice), two Klondike Derbies, two Skit-O-Ramas, one Raingutter Regatta, the 2010 Weboree, and many exciting field trips. The field trips included educational trips to Weis Ecology Center, Lorrimer Sanctuary, the USS Ling submarine in Hackensack, the USS Intrepid in Manhattan, the Steuben House, Fort Lee Historic Park, Fleet Week at Stapleton Pier, the River Edge Post Office, the River Edge Firehouse, and a Home Depot workshop. The den also enjoyed fun trips to the following places: two Nets games at Izod Center; Harlem Globetrotters game at Izod Center; Red Bulls game at Giants Stadium; Yankee Stadium (the scouts were given a tour of Monument Park); The Ice House in Hackensack; Bergen Batting Center; Chef Central; Ramsey Outdoor (for rockwall climbing); outdoors training at Camp Alpine, NY; a Red Bulls soccer clinic; Memorial Park clean-up; and miniature golf.

Here is a complete list of the names of the 24 boys in Amy and Arlene's den, from September 2006 through February 11, 2011:

Alex G., Bryan P., Brendan C., Chris B., Chris B., Chris J., Connor O., Daniel C., Daniel F., Dylan F., Enoch Y., Garrett C., Gary W., Jack M., Joe D., Kyle Z., Luke F., Michael B., Rashabh P., Sean K., Timothy T., Tyler M., Tyler M., and, William L..

During this den's five years of participation in Cub Scouts, there were four Cubmasters (Jack C., Vinny G., Desmond J., and Bill C.). In addition to being the current Cubmaster, for the past 4 years Bill C. (with wife, Liz) has managed the smooth operation of the pack's annual Pinewood Derby. Thank you to Grace Lutheran Church for hosting our Pinewood Derby each year since 2004! The Pack 229 Senior Webelos Klondike leaders were Amy W., Ed C., and Patrick F. (Kevin K., Paul F., and Mike P. also guided this den's Klondike training the past 2 years.) In addition to Amy W. and Arlene B., the den leaders for Pack 229 this year are Rita C., L.J., Tim W., Jim D., Vikki G., Liz C., Sean M., Vinny M., Bonnie K., and Ken F.. The pack's current Treasurer is Donna D. (Jill M. and Mary Ellen B. also served in this role, in recent years.) Randy A. has been the Unit Commissioner to Pack 229 & Troop 2295 for the past 3 years, and Mary Ellen B. has served as Pack 229 Committee Chair for 6 years.

Many people have contributed photos for the multimedia content that has filled Pack 229 DVDs the past 6 years (and this website since October 2007), but special acknowledgement should be given to Ed Y., Abel G., Jeff M., Jack W., Arlene B., Amy W., Bill C., Mary Ellen B., and myself, for providing 98% of the 16,000+ photos that I've had to work with.

Thank you to Arlene and Amy for acknowledging me at the 2011 Arrow of Light Ceremony for the extreme thing I have done to promote Pack 229 and Troop 2295 from 2005 to 2011: creating 17 different Pack 229 and Troop 2295 DVDs, as well as individually burning & printing 450 copies of those DVDs to distribute to Pack 229 and Troop 2295 scouts. I made the first Pack 229 DVD in September 2005 as a means to promote our pack at our pack's 2005 Open House. When I made the first DVD, I had two goals: to get more boys to join Pack 229, and to win a $350 recruitment award for the pack. The night of the 2005 Open House our pack membership rose from 16 to 46, and our pack did win the $350 award for having the largest increase in membership of any pack in the Twin Valleys District. The primary reason I did all of this is because my son, David, has always liked being in Scouting. David joined Cub Scout Pack 229 in 2002 and became one of the four original members of Boy Scout Troop 2295 in July 2007. In the time since Troop 2295 was chartered on July 7, 2007, 73 boys have joined Boy Scout Troop 2295. The total combined membership of Cub Scout Pack 229 and Boy Scout Troop 2295 has been 100 scouts (or more) since February 2008.

Pack 229 Multimedia Coordinator 2005 through present (2013) /
Recruitment Coordinator from September 2005 through September 2008

2010 Arrow of Light Awards
Congratulations to the Pack 229 Senior Webelos Den of 2009-2010 for completing Cub Scouts on February 5, 2010

Click Here for the 2010 Arrow of Light presentation
2010 Arrow of Light: Aditya D., Bobby A., Dylan J., Jake C., John F., Kenny M., Liam C., and Liam G..

2010 Arrow of Light: Congratulations to the Senior Webelos scouts of Pack 229 (pictured left) for receiving their Arrow of Light Awards at a wonderful ceremony held on February 5, 2010 at the River Dell Middle School in River Edge, New Jersey. The Senior Webelos Scouts of 2009-2010 were Aditya, Bobby, Dylan, Jake, John, Kenny, Liam C., and Liam G.. In addition to receiving their Arrow of Light Awards, all of these boys symbolically (and literally) Bridged into Boy Scout Troop 2295. An 18-minute video presentation was screened at the event (the eleventh Pack 229 & Troop 2295 DVD since September 16, 2005.)

Leaders of 2010 Arrow of Light recipients: Thanks & congratulations to den leaders (Christine, Eileen, Claudia, & Jeff), Cubmasters (Desmond, Vinny, Jack C., and Ed), Committee Chair Mary Ellen, Klondike trainers (Kevin, Paul, and Mike) and Klondike assistants (Jeff & Bill C.), for successfully guiding this den as it progressed from a new Tiger den on September 23, 2005, through its Senior Webelos activities, culminating with the 2010 Klondike Derby on January 30, 2010.

2009 Arrow of Light Awards
Congratulations to the Pack 229 Senior Webelos Den of 2008-2009 for completing Cub Scouts on February 6, 2009

Click Here for the 2009 Arrow of Light presentation
2009 Arrow of Light: Cole S., David O., David S., Dominick G., Matthew S., Nicholas C., Nicholas S., Thomas Y.

2009 Arrow of Light: Doug S. led this den from Tigers through Junior Webelos, before moving west. The den participated in the many usual meetings and field trips along the way, but there were some things about this den which were especially noteworthy. For instance, as Bears they began the Pack 229 tradition of holding an annual Pack 229 Raingutter Regatta, and as Wolves they helped make the Pack 229 Parade Banner, which has since been carried in many Fourth of July and Memorial Day Parades. If memory serves me correctly, that banner made its way up 5th Avenue in New York City, at the 2010 St. Patrick's Day Parade (and if it wasn't at that parade, at least I just got a plug in for Pack 229 having marched in that parade). As Senior Webelos the den won the Klondike Derby at Campgaw (see below for complete write-up). Two Pack 229 Cubmasters, Ed Y. and Vinny G., had sons in this den — with their assistance this den excelled as Senior Webelos. As the 31 thumbnails below atest, this den hiked, camped, fished, marched, raced, barbecued, made stuff, and knew how to have fun.

Congratulations to the Pack 229 Senior Webelos of Cherry Hill School for winning the 2009 Klondike Derby!
Pack 229 Senior Webelos training at Van Saun Park Pack 229 Senior Webelos with the championship trophy at Campgaw Pack 229 Senior Webelos competing at 2009 Klondike Derby at Campgaw Pack 229 Senior Webelos with Klondike Trainer, Kevin K.
CUB SCOUTS KLONDIKE CHAMPS     Click for 2009 Klondike Derby results
(Official Press Release by Ed Y.)
Doug's Den wins the 2009 Klondike Derby! River Edge Cub Scout Pack 229 Senior Webelos came in 1st place in the annual Boy Scouts of America, Twin Valleys District's Klondike Derby Competition held in Campgaw Mountain on Jan 31, 2009. The competition is themed after the Alaskan Iditarod Dog Sled Races. Scouts were tested in their skills and knowledge in the following areas: first aid; orienteering; knots and lashings; shelter and fire building; team problem solving; and sled navigation/obstacle course.

A total of 65 sleds were entered with over 800 scouts competing. With the recent snow and ice storms, temperatures in the low 20s, and wind chill factors in the single digits, Campgaw Mountain gave a great impersonation of Alaska! In addition to winning the overall competition, Pack 229 was the 2nd fastest team in a 1/4 mile sled-pulling race.

(From left to right in the photo above: Nicholas S., David S., Thomas Y., Dominick G. (kneeling), David O., Cole S., and Nicholas C..)

River Edge Cub Scout Pack 229
(Cub Scouts is open to boys from 1st to 5th grade)
Pack 229: Cherry Hill School
Fleet Week at Stapleton on Staten Island Rain-Gutter Regata at Christine's house Town News visit with journalist Eamon Harbord The night of the 2008 Blue & Gold

Cub Scout Pack 229 Recap
(February 9, 2007 - August 31, 2008)
This is what 18 months in the life of a Cub Scout pack look like (and keep in mind that this does not chronicle most of the den-level events which took place.)

Vinny, Mary Ellen and Steve at the 2007 Open House! Rita, LJ and Avo volunteer to be new Pack 229 Tiger Den leaders! Pack 229 at Cherry Hill School experienced a 344% increase in membership after we implemented a new recruiting strategy on September 16, 2005 — our membership rose from 16 scouts to 71 scouts in just two years; we now have 11 official parent leaders in Pack 229, and we welcome more parent leaders! Any parent who wants to become a Den Leader in Cub Scout Pack 229 at Cherry Hill School, please send an e-mail to Mary Ellen to let her know you are interested.

Click Here for a Pack 229 Leader Tribute

2007 Arrow of Light Award recipients Chris had been a Cub Scout since 2002 Further evidence that a new era in Cherry Hill Scouting has arrived — for the first time in a generation, Pack 229 held an Arrow of Light Ceremony (February 9, 2007) for Senior Webelos Cub Scouts (5th grade boys) who received the Arrow of Light Award. The ceremony was excellently choreographed by Ed Y. (former-Pack 229 Trainer and current Troop 2295 Scoutmaster), and was attended by over 100 scouts and their family members. Four of the eight scouts who received the Arrow of Light Award (Chris Y., David, Henry, and Liam) were Pack 229 scouts every year from 1st grade through 5th grade, and attained a level of complete scouting success which had not been achieved within the walls of Cherry Hill School in many years. The Senior Webelos den, which attained Arrow of Light in 2007 (and which began as Tiger scouts in September 2002), was led as Tigers, Wolves, and Bears by Pat O., and as Junior Webelos & Senior Webelos by Jack C..

2008 Arrow of Light Ceremony 2008 Arrow of Light Ceremony (February 1, 2008 update) Lightning has struck twice at Pack 229! For the second year in a row we have Arrow of Light Award recipients in our pack. The six Senior Webelos scouts (Anthony, Bradley, Ryan D., Ryan M., Tyler, and Zachary) received the award in a ceremony held at the River Dell Middle School. All six boys are bridging to Boy Scouts and joining Boy Scout Troop 2295. Following a procession of scouts into the auditorium, and the salute to the flag, Jeff M. (Senior Webelos leader) kicked off the evening relating the tale of how the Arrow of Light came into being, this while photos of the boys were projected onto a screen on stage..

Ryan M., Bradley, Tyler, Zachary, Ryan D. and Anthony, shortly before receiving the Arrow of Light Award Anthony crosses over to Troop 2295 Despite the fact that a deluge of rain was falling on River Edge at the time of the event, most of Boy Scout Troop 2295 made it to the ceremony and welcomed the new Boy Scouts as they crossed the new bridge which Jeff M. constructed for the occasion. Vinny G. (Pack 229 Cubmaster) was master of ceremony for the night, and introduced LJ, Kevin, Amy, Christine, Laurie, Doug, Jeff, and Rick C., in the candle-lighting portion of the ceremony. Rick C. filled in for Mary Ellen (Pack 229 Committee Chair), who was sidelined with walking pneumonia. Rick has also volunteered to become a leader in Boy Scout Troop 2295. Of special note, Laurie M. led this den for three years, through the Tiger, Wolf, and Bear levels of Cub Scouts. Following the candle-lighting and bridging ceremonies, refreshments were enjoyed by all in attendance — Rita C., our Tiger Den leader, coordinated the refreshments.

Pat at the 2005 Blue & Gold Awards presentation Doug prepares his den for The Rain-Gutter Regatta Thank you to all of the Pack 229 leaders from 2005 to 2008: Mary Ellen, Ed, Vinny, Jack, Jeff, Laurie, Doug, Pat, Christine, Eileen, Claudia, Amy, Arlene, Avo, LJ, and Rita. Also, thank you to: Kevin K., Mike P., and Paul F., for their impressive contributions and commitment to guiding our Webelos dens in Klondike training; Frank, Russell, and Rich M. for welcoming the Cherry Hill dens at the Roosevelt dens' training sessions; and Doug, Alice, Bill, and Liz for their work on the Pinewood Derby (we're also grateful to Grace Lutheran Church for hosting the event!); and special thanks to Al for building the Klondike Derby sled for our Senior Webelos to navigate through the course in Mahwah, in January 2007 & 2008 (and in future years). Thank you to our sponsor — Cub Scout Pack 229 and Boy Scout Troop 2295 are sponsored by the Cherry Hill PTO. Finally, in creating the first four Pack 229 year-in-review DVDs I organized and selected from more than 8,000 photos, thus I've become well aware that there are many den-level events and activities which are planned and coordinated by parents who are not official leaders in Pack 229 — to all of those parents, we also owe thanks and high praise. While it may be magical for a child to set foot on the field at Yankee Stadium, sail a boat in the Rain-Gutter Regatta, climb down into a submarine, or up to High Point peak, these events do not happen by magic — they happen because of the efforts of the parents of Pack 229.

Some Pack 229 Fall 2007 News Updates:

Eileen at the 2006 Open House Christine leading the Bear den 1) Christine (Bear Den leader) organized and managed a successful Popcorn Fundraiser in October. Because of her exceptional effort (and the efforts of all who sold popcorn), Pack 229 sold an impressive $2,747 worth of popcorn. How does that total compare to last year's Popcorn Fundraiser sales total? Well, it's exactly $2,747 more than we sold last year! Congratulations to Amy & Gary's family for selling the most popcorn ($400+). Thank you to all of the following folks: Christine, Rita, LJ, and Melissa, for treking to the warehouse to haul the huge bounty of popcorn back to River Edge; to Christine, Eileen, Amy, and Arlene for sorting the popcorn; and to Troop 2295 Boy Scouts, David and Harry (assisted by Cub Scouts: Bobby, Jack, and Ryan), for running popcorn-distribution operations (PDO) from Jim and Christine's driveway!

David, Harry and Bobby handle popcorn-distribution operations (PDO) Den Chiefs arrive at Pack 229 2) For the first time in many years, Pack 229 has Den Chiefs! A Den Chief is a Boy Scout who comes to Cub Scout meetings and events to assist Den Leaders and to help train Cub Scouts. B.S.A. Troop 2295 has generously provided Cub Scout Pack 229 with 6 trained Den Chiefs: Chris, David, Eddie, Harry, Min, and Stefano. Current Senior Webelos, Ryan M., is a "Denner" (a Den Chief who is not yet a Boy Scout), and will officially become a Den Chief in February, following the Arrow of Light Ceremony. (February 1, 2008 update: Ryan M. is now a Den Chief.)

Mary Ellen & Arlene at the 2007 Open House Amy with her Wolf den at the Holiday Party 3) The 2007 calendar year ended with an impressive turn-out at the annual Holiday Party. By an unofficial count, there were 229 people in attendance at this year's party. Advancement Awards were presented, an enormous quantity of toys were donated to the "Toys for Tots" toy-drive, and desserts were enjoyed by all in attendance.

Pack 229 Winter 2008 News Update:

The Junior Webelos and Senior Webelos dens of Cub Scout Pack 229 competed in the Klondike Derby, January 26, 2008. Jeff's sled of Senior Webelos tied for 3rd place, out of the MANY sleds competing (remarkably, sleds from Pack 229 and Pack 95 tied for 3rd place.) Doug's den of Junior Webelos had an impressive day, as well, and are well positioned to excel in the 2009 Klondike Derby, when they will be Senior Webelos.

2004 Pinewood Derby
(58 people attended — 15 scouts raced cars:
5 Tigers, 9 Wolves, 1 Bear, 0 Webelos)

Pinewood Derby 2004 -- with me in the background, near the door
and WOW!
2008 Pinewood Derby
(178 people attended — 55 scouts raced cars:
21 Tigers, 14 Wolves, 9 Bears, 11 Webelos)

Pinewood Derby 2008

Tiger Leader Avo at center, with event-organizer Bill in background Tigers devouring pizza in the concrete jungle Bill and Liz planned and implemented an outstanding Pinewood Derby event for Pack 229 at Grace Lutheran Church, on March 1, 2008. This year's Pinewood attracted, at least, 178 people — there were more than 60 heats run, and 40 pizzas consumed. Darlene took on the responsibility of managing the desserts committee, for what is a better compliment to 40 large pizzas than a vast array of sweet treats? Many others contributed to make this event a success. What makes the Pinewood Derby unique, among all of the Cub Scout Pack 229 events, is that this is a well-attended, Pack-wide event in which both the Cub Scout and parent(s) participate. In some cases, relatives and friends also participate in the production of the Pinewood race cars.

Two Webelos await their cars at the Finish Line Bobby wins Most Patriotic Car award Each boy who races a car in the Pinewood Derby is a winner. However, one unintended consequence of having an ever-expanding Pack 229 the past 3 years is that with each subsequent race day the list of boys who do not win a trophy gets longer, as each den awards 3 trophies whether there are only 5 scouts in the den or, as in the case of this year's Tiger Den, 23 scouts in the den! As Mary Ellen (Committee Chair of Pack 229, and a Founding Leader of Troop 2295) mentioned in her speech to the Pack 229 family — the Cub Scout motto is "Do your best..." — so we live by that motto and delight in the reality that we've done our best, even if our best doesn't land us a trophy every year. That said, Kenny M. seems to win first place every year. This was Kenny's third first-place finish in his three years as a Cub Scout.

Matthew's 2006 Pinewood Entry: Dinosaurs in the jungle. Congratulations to the Jonas brothers for winning "Funniest Car Design" for the second year in a row! Last year's victory was secured with a clever "Remote Control"-design, and this year's story was written with a "Giant Pencil"-design. Finally, congratulations to Matthew S. (our Webelos Den Leader's son), for winning "Most Original Car" for the second year in a row. This was the third time that Matthe had a Pinewood car with an interesting design: this year a Star Wars Lego car; last year a Pirate Ship car; and the year before a Dinosaur car, replete with dinosaur figures & jungle trees atop the car! While Matthew's three cars were not the most aerodynamic cars at the past three Pinewood Derbies, they embodied creativity, and exemplified the spirit of fun.

Kenny, Aditya and Jacob with trophies Webelos participate in their final Pinewood Garrett won Fastest Car with a back-heavy design! Mary Ellen and Rita in synchronization

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March 2007: Heard of a van that's loaded with groceries! March 8, 2008: Pack 229 took part in the Scouting for Food food-drive project. The food was donated to the Teaneck Armory for distribution to local families of National Guard members stationed overseas. Scouting for Food is an annual event, and was coordinated by Josephine F. and Maria P. this year (Pack 229's participation in the event was coordinated by Darlene and Arlene). If this description seems similar to the description in the Troop 2295 section of this web site, it should — it was one big event encompassing all of the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts in the four Cub Scout and Boy Scout organizations in the Borough of River Edge, New Jersey. The photo to the left is from the 2007 Scouting for Food food-drive. The two scouts in the photo are younger brothers of former-Pack 229 scouts, and have been participating in Pack 229 events since 2002, when they were two years old. Behind them in the photo (seated in the back seat of the minivan) is a little guy named Tyler. Ty was born one week before the 2002 Open house at which his oldest brother, David, first joined Pack 229. Thus, Tyler has been an Honorary Pack 229 Cub Scout all of his life. I mention this to point out that Pack 229 has been a family-oriented organization for years. This year's Tiger Den includes 6 boys (Jack, Ryan, Daniel, Thomas S., Alex, and Nicholas G.) who've had older brothers in Pack 229, and 6 boys in Cub Scout Pack 229 (Thomas Y., Michael B., Dylan J., Kenny M., Christopher G., and Nicholas G.) have older brothers in Boy Scout Troop 2295.

Amy & Arlene prepares the Wolves for Skit-o-Rama Skit-o-Rama -- Encore Presentation March 28, 2008: The Skit-O-Rama was held in Westwood, NJ. Comedy skits were performed by the Tiger and Webelos Dens of Pack 229.

April 18, 2008: Michalene Mason came to the Pack 229 pack meeting to present information about the Scout Summer Camp opportunities, and to discuss the Family Friends of Scouting fundraising campaign. The Webelos Den performed an encore presentation of the skits they had performed at the Skit-O-Rama in Westwood on March 28. Coincidentally, Michalene was one of the organizers (and M.C.) of this year's Skit-O-Rama.

2008 Weboree 2008 Weboree May 2 - 4, 2008: The Junior Webelos Den of Pack 229 participated in the 2008 Weboree camping weekend at Camp NoBeBoSco. The weekend's activities included: archery; campfire cooking; fishing; skit performances; and an enormous bonfire.

Pack 229 Wolf Den visits the USS Ling Michael, Gary, Chris and Megan inside the USS Ling May 17, 2008: The Wolf Den of Pack 229, led by Amy and Arlene, visited the New Jersey Naval Museum in Hackensack, NJ. The scouts, as well as their siblings and parents, toured the World War II submarine, USS Ling. The USS LING 297 is a BALAO class fleet submarine, 312 feet long, weighing approximately 2500 tons. Also on exhibit on the grounds of the museum are: a Patrol Boat; and a German Seahund, WWII German 2-man coastal defense submarine.

Fleet Week USS Intrepid at Stapleton on Staten Island May 24, 2008: Cub Scout Pack 229 joined with Cub Scout Pack 95, Boy Scout Troop 2295, and River Edge Girl Scouts, to tour Navy ships at Stapleton Piers on Staten Island, as part of Fleet Week. The scouts toured the USS Monterey. As fortune would have it, the USS Intrepid was also docked at a pier at the Stapleton Piers.

Pack 229 marches in the Memorial Day 2008 Pack 229 marches in the Memorial Day 2008 May 26, 2008: Culminating a weekend which began Friday night with a pack meeting, then moved on to the Stapleton Piers early Saturday morning (when 17 scouts representing all of Pack 229's dens were given a VIP tour of the USS Monterey), Cub Scout Pack 229 marched in the May 26, 2008 Memorial Day Parade. Following the parade, the scouts and families of Pack 229 participated in the ceremony at Memorial Park.

2008 Blue & Gold Dinner LJ was a Tiger Leader for 2007-2008 and is a former Eagle Scout June 6, 2008: Pack 229's Blue and Gold Awards Dinner was very well attended. The scouts received their year-end awards and, along with their families, enjoyed the catered dinner. As with virtually ever Pack 229 event which took place the past year, there were more people in attendance at this year's Blue and Gold then at any of the past five Blue and Gold dinners. All the scouts, leaders, parents, and siblings who have made Pack 229 a big success should be proud of what they have accomplished. Click here to see a photo-documentary of the Pack 229 leaders who were responsible for bringing success back to Cub Scouting at Cherry Hill School!

Jake & Kenny at the 2008 Twin Valleys Fishing Derby June 14, 2008: We can now add the annual Twin Valleys Fishing Derby to the long list of successful Pack 229 events which have taken place during the 2007-2008 school year. More than 40 of our pack's scouts participated in this year's fishing derby! The Pack 229 Bear Den caught the most sunfish — our pack's very own Bear scouts, Kenny M. and Jake C., tied for first place, as they each caught a 4-ounce Sunfish (That's them in the photo to the left!)

June 26-27, 2008: The annual Pack 229 Family BBQ & Camp-out at Memorial Park took place on a clear night. The grillmasters kept the dogs and burgers grilling as beverages, chips, smores, watermelon, condiments (including relish), and whatever else was there to eat, was enjoyed by a crowd of approximately 100 River Edgeans. I won't acknowledge by name the people who contributed to the effort of preparing the BBQ portion of the night, because if I attempt to mention Rita, LJ, Vinny, Doug, Arlene, Avo, Mary Ellen, and others by name, I run the risk of leaving someone off the list. So I won't mention Rita, LJ, Vinny, Doug, Arlene, Avo, and Mary Ellen. High praise must be given to me and M.E. for bringing the Glow Sticks, which enabled us to better track the whereabouts of the firefly scouts in the after-dark hours. This was the 4th annual Pack 229 Family BBQ & Camp-out, and the 4th at which Glow Sticks were utilized for their child-tracking value.

On July 4, 2008 the pack marched in the parade.

Thank you to the Cherry Hill School PTO who sponsored what turned out to be The Year of 100 Scouts at the new MPR (multipurpose room), where 71 Cub Scouts and 29 Boy Scouts came together for the common goal of building a new bridge to the 21st century...

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
So make the best of this test and don't ask why
it's not a question but a lesson learned in time... is not simply a lesson learned in time, or a lyric from Green Day's "Good Riddance"...

It's something unpredictable, but in the end there's right — I hope you had the time of your life!

January 4, 2008, the Wolf Den of Cub Scout Pack 229 (and the Wolf Den's two Den Chiefs: David and Min) attended the New Jersey Nets game.
Connor shows his loyalty Gary Sr. and daughter Gary wears his Nets cap Michael bleeds Pack 229 blue!
Boy Scouts of America | Northern New Jersey Council | Twin Valleys District
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River Edge Schools | River Dell Schools
Pack 229: Kenny & Ryan D. at the 2007 Memorial Day Parade Laurie conducts a straw poll at 2007 Pinewood Five Live Webelos at 'Hoover' Jeff with Ryan at 2007 Weboree

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Website Notice:
No funds from the Troop 2295 and Pack 229 accounts have been used to pay for the creation, maintenance, and hosting of this website, or for the production of the first three annual Pack 229 Year-In-Review DVDs, and all copies of said DVDs.
This website is provided for free by R.B..

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To protect our members from online scams (and identity theft) no last names will appear on this website in text-based format. If last names do appear, they will only appear in image files and/or video, where the names cannot be easily logged by search engine spiders and phishing bots.

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