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IMPORTANT NEWS: In the past scout year, Boy Scout Troop 2295 had the good fortune to be visited by a guest speaker, John Tumino, and to be given a tour of the Port Authority Helicopter Hangar and Firehouse at Teterboro Airport by Jim McCauley. Both of these men are now serving in Iraq. I am sure that all of the scouts in River Edge wish to acknowledge and thank them for their service to our country. |
River Edge Scouting River Edge, NJ 07661 |
River Edge Boy Scout Troop 2295
Boy Scouts of America River Edge Boy Scout Troop 2295 meets at CHERRY HILL SCHOOL's MPR! (Boy Scouts is open to boys from ages 11 to 17) Click Here for Troop 2295 calendar |
Boy Scout TROOP 2295 Blog
Boy Scout Troop 2295 of River Edge, New Jersey, meets at Cherry Hill School. Any boy between the ages of 11 and 17 who wishes to join the troop can either request information by e-mail, or simply show up at our next troop meeting at the Cherry Hill School MPR. Good luck to the boys, their parents, and the official leaders! Troop 2295 is accepting applications from all men and women who desire to become Assistant Scoutmasters (ASMs). Please send an e-mail if you are interested in becoming an ASM. In addition to the weekly meetings, Troop 2295 partakes in many campouts, field trips, and community projects, throughout the calendar year. For instance, on December 9, 2007 the troop returned from an exciting weekend of camping (meeting the challenge of camping in tents in sub-freezing conditions!), and in recent months Troop 2295 has partaken in the following diverse field trips: |
Saturday, October 13, 2007, the boys of Troop 2295 hiked the famed "Old New York Historical Trail," which takes scouts from St. Mark's Church on 10th St. to Bowling Green & Battery Park, winding nearly 10 miles through the caverns of Manhattan (map). Troop 2295 followed the official route recommended for Boy Scouts by the Man-A-Hattin Lodge 82 and Order of the Arrow (the national honor society of Boy Scouts of America). Friday, October 26, 2007, Troop 2295 took part in a fun evening of rock-wall climbing at The Gravity Vault in Mahwah. |
After touring the helicopter hangar, the boys were given a tour of the Port Authority Firehouse and presented a demonstration of the "Crash Trucks," one of which is equipped with a 58-foot-long robotic-arm for fighting aircraft fires. This state-of-the-art firefighting truck requires only a single person to operate -- it is a very impressive piece of technology. Troop 2295 wishes to thank Port Authority Police Sergeant John M. and Police Officer Cengiz E., for taking the time to demonstrate the trucks for the boys of Troop 2295.
The USS New Jersey (BB-62) is one of the four battleships of the Iowa class, the largest, fastest, most powerful, and last, battleships the US ever built, and among the biggest battleships ever. It was launched on December 7, 1942, and decommissioned on February 8, 1991. If you are interested in learning more about Battleship New Jersey, visit the official website at The Battleship New Jersey is located on the Camden Waterfront in New Jersey, next to the Adventure Aquarium and the Tweeter Center. The Camden Waterfront is directly across the Delaware River from Center City Philadelphia.
In addition to participating in many camp-outs and field trips in the past 7 months, the boys of Troop 2295 stepped up in a big way in November 2007 as nine Troop 2295 scouts became trained Den Chiefs and now assist the Cub Scouts of Pack 95 and Pack 229. Being a Den Chief has both the intangible value of teaching a Boy Scout leadership skills, while concurrently providing Boy Scout role models for Cub Scouts, but it also has tangible perks. For example, David and Min (the Den Chiefs for Pack 229's Wolf Den), were invited as guests when the Pack 229 Wolf Den journeyed to the Meadowlands on January 4, 2008 for a New Jersey Nets game.
February 1, 2008, the Boy Scouts of Troop 2295 participated in the Bridging Ceremony at Cub Scout Pack 229's Arrow of Light Ceremony held in the auditorium of River Dell Middle School. The Bridging Ceremony symbolizes the Cub Scout "Crossing Over" from being a Senior Webelos Cub Scout to becoming a Boy Scout. All of the Cub Scouts from Pack 229 have officially joined Boy Scout Troop 2295 and their den leader, Jeff M., is now an ASM for Boy Scout Troop 2295.
February 14, 2008, the families of Boy Scout Troop 2295 celebrated Valentine's Day in a unique & unusual fashion -- by participating in the Bridging Ceremony for Cub Scout Pack 95 scouts. The scouts from Roosevelt School's Pack 95 have officially joined Troop 2295. There are now 29 scouts in Troop 2295! Joining the new scouts at the event were our two new Boy Scout leaders, Bill L. and Mike O.. Troop 2295 Committee Chair, Russell S., made a presentation to the parents of the new scouts. Also, Russell brought along on his laptop PC some awesome photos of Camp Keowa Scout Camp (where the boys have the option to camp for one or two weeks this summer)! |
On March 9, 2008 the boys of Troop 2295 hit the slopes for a day of snow-skiing and snowboarding at Mount Peter in Warwick, New York. This event took special determination on the part of the boys who participated, as Mother Nature did her very best to attempt to make the event fail -- as we had very little snow this winter (notice the green hills in the distance in the photo at right!) and received a drenching rain the day before the boys skiied. The boys had a great day and continued the improbable success story that has unfolded in Troop 2295's inaugural year of existence.
The much anticipated Cooperstown camp-out took place the weekend of March 28 - 30, 2008. BSA Troop 2295 spent two nights at Scout Camp Henderson in Maryland, NY (located midway between Howe Caverns and the National Baseball Hall of Fame at Cooperstown). The troop set up camp on Friday night, then spent Saturday honing camping skills and visiting Howe Caverns. On Sunday, after breaking camp mid-morning, the troop headed to Cooperstown to tour the Hall of Fame. The Cooperstown camp-out was a big undertaking which required a considerable amount of planning. As with all of the camp-outs, field trips and meetings it was a team effort. In total, nine vehicles transported the 30+ people and supplies to Camp Henderson!
During the month of April, scouts from Troop 2295 participated in Colonial-Life demonstrations at the Campbell-Christie House at New Bridge Landing. The weekend of April 26 - 27, 2008 the boys put their improved cooking skills to work during a weekend of camping at Camp Alpine. This was the troop's first chance to use the newly-purchased tents.
The Ten Mile River camping weekend took place May 16 - 18, 2008 in Narrowsburg, New York. The high-water mark of the two-night event was a 5-mile hike. Afterwards, the boys went fishing at Crystal Lake. Ten Mile River Scout Camp will be the site of Troop 2295's summer-camp week(s) in August. To the right is a Bird's Eye view of the actual campsite the boys camped at -- the five lean-tos and one cabin which were made use of during heavy rains on Friday night are visible in the photo. There are multiple camps in the Ten Mile River Scout Camps acreage (12,000 acres in total) -- Troop 2295 will be camping at Camp Keowa in August 2008. |
On the Saturday before Memorial Day 2008, in tribute to America's past, present, and future troops, the scouts of River Edge convoyed to Stapleton (the site of the U.S. Navy's former-"Staten Island Home Port") to participate in tours being conducted as part of the annual Fleet Week. A contingent of 107 River Edge Scouts (Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts) and family members were guided on a VIP tour of the USS Monterey combat vessel at Stapleton Piers. In the photo to the right, the scouts are standing in front of the USS Intrepid Aircraft Carrier (now better known as the "Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum"). The Intrepid is currently docked in Stapleton as it undergoes refurbishment and awaits its eventual return to its home at Pier 86 in Manhattan. The Intrepid is scheduled to reopen to the public in early-November 2008. |
Boy Scout Troop 2295 marched in the May 26, 2008 Memorial Day Parade and participated in the ceremony at Memorial Park. Joe Maugeri (AKA "Crossing Guard Joe"), a veteran of World War II, led the parade and the ceremony. As is custom, Memorial Day brought together the residents of River Edge, NJ in a unified show of support for America's troops and all of the men and women who have perished in past and current wars. There was strong attendance at this year's ceremony -- the turn-out rivaling (or perhaps surpassing) what has been seen in recent years. Both River Edge Cub Scout packs and Boy Scout troops participated, and demonstrated the unified spirit of our town's young people. These boys are an example to the nation of the fine people who reside in (or have ties to) this historic town. |
On May 31, 2008 Troop 2295 participated in River Edge's first Green Day. The event had been planned for Memorial Park but was moved indoors to the River Dell Middle School gymnasium, due to a threat of severe thunderstorms. Assistant Scoutmaster Bob T. organized the troop's participation in this event and, among other activities, had the boys collect plastic water bottles for 6 weeks. Appearing in the Saturday, May 31, 2008 edition of The Record newspaper was an article to promote the event, replete with photo of Bob holding a large map of the United States created from plastic water bottles. The northwest corner of the map was separated from the rest of the map to symbolize that less than 20% of plastic water bottles used in the United States get recycled. (Click here to read the article and to see the photo of Bob with his America!) |
Troop 2295's Court of Honor Awards Dinner was held in the MPR on June 9, 2008. The event was wonderfully choreographed by Rose C., with most of the troop's leaders and committee members reciting scouting-related readings and participating in acknowledging the scouts for their achievements and awards in the 2007-2008 scout year. The ceremony was led by Russell and we had remarkable attendance of Boy Scouts for the event, with 92% of the troop in attendance despite baseball playoffs and various year-end school activities taking place this time of year. I presented the latest Troop 2295 DVD which depicts the ambitious Cooperstown/Howe Caverns excursion and the community-wide Fleet Week field trip (and subsequent Memorial Day Parade). These two photo-documentaries can be found above on this web site in Flash format (but with fewer special effects than seen on the DVD version.) There will be a single, year-in-review DVD following Scout Summer Camp in August. A special thanks is owed to John Fogerty whose "Up Around the Bend" can still can get a group of 30 or 40 boys and their siblings clapping in unison nearly 40 years after Creedence Clearwater Revival first recorded the song. Also, thanks to Randy Newman, Robert Redford and Barry Levinson for the inspiration that "The Natural" played in the scoring of Troop 2295's Cooperstown/Howe Caverns presentation.
The 2008 Court of Honor Ceremony came to a close with Scoutmaster Ed Y. reading the profound and prophetic poem, written by Edgar A. Guest -- "The Things That Haven't Been Done Before." The selection of this poem by the Scoutmaster was particularly appropriate as it perfectly captured the vision & inspiration which launched Troop 2295 one year ago. This poem honors all the scouts, leaders, parents and siblings of Troop 2295 who embraced the challenge of forging a new model of Boy Scouts for River Edge, New Jersey. This model is rooted in the spirit & values of American Democracy. Adams, Jefferson, Madison and Monroe are not simply the names of four consecutive streets bisected by Bogert Road, they are also the names of four of the Founding Fathers of the United States. In tribute to them establishing the United States of America (and its dynamic Constitution) for We the People, let their example serve as an example for Troop 2295 to follow in years to come.
  -- by Edgar A. Guest The things that haven't been done before, Those are the things to try; Columbus dreamed of an unknown shore At the rim of the far-flung sky, And his heart was bold and his faith was strong As he ventured in dangers new, And he paid no heed to the jeering throng Or the fears of the doubting crew. The many will follow the beaten track With guideposts on the way, They live and have lived for ages back With a chart for every day. Someone has told them it's safe to go On the road he has traveled o'er, And all that they ever strive to know Are the things that were known before. A few strike out, without map or chart, Where never a man has been, From the beaten paths they draw apart To see what no man has seen. There are deeds they hunger alone to do; Though battered and bruised and sore, They blaze the path for the many, who Do nothing not done before. The things that haven't been done before Are the tasks worth while today; Are you one of the flock that follows, or Are you one that shall lead the way? Are you one of the timid souls that quail At the jeers of a doubting crew, Or dare you, whether you win or fail, Strike out for a goal that's new?
With the scout year rapidly coming to a close it was only fitting that the troop should hit the rapids to do some whitewater rafting on the Lehigh River the weekend of June 20-22, 2008. While this full-weekend event was a two-night camping experience for the boys of the troop it was also open to parents and siblings. There were no major injuries to report, however, a few from Troop 2295 learned firsthand that heading into rapids can be a treacherous endeavor.
On July 4, 2008 the troop marched in a parade. Independence Day in 1776 was an important day as it was the day that the Delcaration of Independence was adopted, but it was not the day the American Revolution was won. Many pivotal days were still to follow at Trenton, Saratoga, Monmouth and Yorktown. It was on November 20, 1776 that George Washington led 2,000 troops in retreat from Fort Lee to Hackensack, crossing the Hackensack River at New Bridge (present day River Edge, NJ). This maneuver enabled the troops to avoid entrapment and to fight another day. Washington's famous crossing of the Delaware River at Trenton occurred just five weeks later. While the Battle of Trenton yielded a relatively small military victory for Washington and his troops, the battle boosted the Continental Army's sinking morale and helped to turn the tide of the Revolutionary War. |
On July 6, 2008 and July 20, 2008, Troop 2295 received archery lessons at Targeteers in Saddle Brook. This event was arranged for the scouts by ASM Jeff M.. |
Summer Camp at Camp Keowa | |||||||||
Troop 2295's week of Summer Scout Camp took place from August 3-9, 2008 at Camp Keowa at Ten Mile River. The 20 boys who took part in the week of camping participated in many Merit Badge projects. Ed Y. did the pre-planning for the event, and was the troop's Summer Camp Coordinator. ASMs Mike, Jeff, Bill, and Rick assisted Ed at various points in the week, and the staff/counselors at Camp Keowa provided the boys with expert direction.
The scouts, leaders, & their families had a very successful year.
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Boy Scouts of America definitions:
1) Eagle Scout -- An Eagle Scout is a Scout with the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Since its introduction in 1911, the Eagle Scout rank has been earned by more than 1.7 million young men.[2] The title of "Eagle Scout" is held for life, thus giving rise to the phrase "Once an Eagle, always an Eagle". Requirements include earning a number of merit badges and demonstration of Scout Spirit, service, and leadership. This includes an extensive service project that the Scout plans, organizes, leads and manages. Eagle Scouts are presented with a medal and a badge that visibly recognizes the accomplishments of the Scout. Additional recognition can be earned through Eagle Palms, awarded for completing additional tenure, leadership, and merit badge requirements.
2) Life Scout -- Life is second highest rank attainable by a Scout in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Life Scout ranks above Star Scout and below Eagle. Life is awarded when the Scout serves actively in the troop, team or crew, serves in a position of responsibility, and performs community service.[6] Another thing a scout must do in order to achieve Life is earn an additional five merit badges (three of which are required for the rank of Eagle), to make a minimum total of eleven merit badges (including the six previously required for Star). Also the scout must be in the troop while in a leadership position for six months from his Star rank, also he must do six hours of community service. Finally, the scout must pass a scoutmaster conference and board of review.
Website Notice:
No funds from the Troop 2295 and Pack 229 accounts have been used to pay for the creation, maintenance, and hosting of this website, or for the production of the first three annual Pack 229 Year-In-Review DVDs and all copies of said DVDs. This website is provided for free by RB. © 2007-2011 Media Imaging, Inc. All rights reserved. |
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To protect our members from online scams and identity theft, no last names will appear on this website in text-based format. If last names do appear, they will only appear in image files and/or video, where the names cannot be as easily logged by search engine spiders and phishing bots. |
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